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Taqadam with Havelock One – A new learning culture for progress

‘Taqadam’ is an Arabic word and means ‘advancement'/'evolvement'. As we aim to transform our organisation into an ‘Employer of Choice’, we’re excited to announce our learning and development initiative ‘Taqadam with Havelock One’.



Taqadam with Havelock One is our online training platform launched in the third quarter of 2019. This initiative from HR helps in driving the learning culture for all our employees. Taqadam is one of the provisions for our site-based employees to steepen their learning curve and excel in their career.

Group Managing Director, Syed Kashif Akhtar, commented on this initiative: “Over the last few years, our industry, our markets and the way we work have changed tremendously. Globalisation. Digitisation. We need to be flexible and agile. In order to weather these changes and have the most pro-active staff and workforce, we need to constantly evolve. And a learning culture is the foundation of our progress”.


‘Taqadam’ is an Arabic word and means ‘advancement’/’evolvement’.

Human Resources Director, Rahul Phadke, stated: “Learning is an intrinsic motivation for all the employees. As an organisation, we can facilitate it, drive it; we can provide the infrastructure for the same – and that’s what Taqadam is all about”.

Learning with this online platform has distinct advantages:

(1) The flexibility of time and accessibility: employees can choose a time that suits and access the course from their business or personal computer, laptop, tablet or even mobile phone.

(2) Wide range of courses with rich learning content.

(3) Internal certificate of completion to recognise the learning efforts.


Our human resource team is constantly working on learning themes based on the demands for each month. Although there are many courses for professional development, leadership and management, technology etc., the project management courses are predominantly in demand and an important asset for our site staff.

We are confident this initiative will ensure our employees enrich their wealth of practical experience with the latest techniques, insights and know-how in their respective fields. Thus, we aim to transform our organisation into an ‘Employer of Choice’.

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